This site is dedicated to the short but full life of Jordyn Teixeira. In Jordyn’s 19 years of life she touched all of us who knew her with her beautiful smile, laughter and art. It’s my goal to build an online place for friends, family and beyond to visit when we’re thinking about her, (which is pretty much all of the time.)

Jordyn meant something different to all of us but she universally taught us all something about life. I’m hoping that this could be a place in which she continues to teach us as we rediscover how wonderful yet fragile life is. An inspirational place that motivates us to leave a positive mark on the world every day that we’re alive and able to.

– Jacob Teixeira, brother

Jordyn Surfing

6 thoughts on “

  1. I had Jordyn in English class at DHS for 3 years; Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. Her senior year she was also my teacher’s aide. I was getting married that July and in preparation for my wedding I wanted to walk every day to stay in shape. Jordyn offered to join me to keep me motivated. We walked 3-4 miles every day and talked about everything. No matter what kind of day I had our walks were the highlight of my day. She was energetic, yet peaceful at the same time. She kept me calm and always laughing. I was her teacher but she taught me more than I could ever even try to express here. She was a beautiful person inside and out. She was my friend. My favorite memory and one I hold so dear is when we walked down to Devol’s Store and we went inside to take a break and look around. There was a children’s book there called ” George and Martha” by James Marshall. I told Jordyn how much I loved that book when I was little. That summer she bought it for me for my birthday. As I said I was 29 years old and just getting married that summer. The book is now included in a very special collection of books that sits on my 6 year old son’s book shelf. We haven’t read it together yet- but when we do I will make sure he knows where it came from and all the things that beautiful, giving, smart, and talented young lady that gave it to me taught her “teacher” about life.

    • Thank you very much for sharing your story Jesse. It was wonderful to read about your relationship and how much you appreciated her friendship. 🙂

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